
Leadership + Happiness = + Profit


The current statistics on the work environment are worrying, employee engagement has dropped by 22% and daily worker stress has reached 43% by 2020. According to the Harvard Business Review, 75% of employees feel more isolated, 57% feel more anxious, 53% feel emotionally exhausted, and 86% of employees want to be measured by the value they deliver rather than the volume of work.

Today it highlights the need for leaders, in order to be efficient and effective, in addition to technical skills and show results, they should prioritize the mental and emotional health of employees because of their great impact on the company. Other essential competencies are currently being demanded in order to achieve the company’s objectives.

To lead means to know how to engage the team, to have the ability to motivate and inspire people in a positive way, creating collective well-being, especially, more through your attitudes than through your “authority” or the words you say. It is not enough to give bonuses, gifts, parties, or simple salary increases. The leader should build an environment in which there is emotional security and less stress, from it, so that there is happiness in the work environment.

And it has been proven that happiness, in addition to the well-being of everyone, including the families of employees, represents greater profitability for the company, since happier leaders and employees are 85% more efficient at work, sell 37% more than the others, are 31% more productive, 65% of the time they feel energized, 3 times more creative, results in 50% less accidents at work, reduce the turnover rate by 55%, 44% retain talent, there is a 13% drop in absences due to mental health-related illnesses, bournout levels drop by 125%, 186% speak well of the company, reduce waste, become more motivated to serve the customer better, and companies with happy workers outperform the competition by 20%.



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